Saturday, January 21, 2012

Used IPv6 stateful Autoconfiguration

I would like add some details to my post vista and DHCPv6 (in french). I would like detailed which mechanisms is used to choose between stateless and stateful configuration. The DHCPv6 client used 2 bits in the RA  (Routers Advertisements send by the router) in order to know if DHCPv6 server is available:

  • O bit: with this bit, a IPv6 host can use DHCPv6 to collect some parameters like DNS server address. However DHCPv6 server doesn't provide the client's IP address. Host use stateless configuration.
  • M bit: with this bit, a IPv6 host can use DHCPv6 to collect a IPv6 address and others parameters from the server.
  • Without these bits set, the IPv6 host will use stateless autoconfiguration.
The command managed-config-flag  which is used in the router doesn't force hosts to use DHCPv6. It's just a suggestion.