Who has never received the following question from a colleague:
- Hey, the network guy, could you find where is this laptop for me ? I have only his IP address.
To resolve this, you start to follow the IP address by looking in the arp and mac-address table of your switchs, routers and firewall. I have finished this boring job by using the following open source tool:
Developpers have alreay preconfigured a VM:
After 30 minutes of the VM installation and some hours (depending of the size of your network) of configuration to enter your different equipment, you can provide a webtools reachable from everybody to track an IP.
You will find below some examples of host configuration.
hostname,devtype=procurvehpv2, arp
On this example, I skipped uplinks interfaces (45 and 47). I have also limited to 2 mac address by interface.