Previously, I was using 'pexpect' in order to connect and gather information from a router or a switch.
However, I have often encountered several issues (timeout, SSH key gestion...).
It's why, now I'm using 'paramiko' (a python SSH library).
You will find below an example of the paramiko utilisation.
This script connects to a switch and returns it version.
Don't hesitate to share examples.
import paramiko import time username = 'user' pwd = 'password' cmd = 'show version \n' ip_switch = '' remote_conn_pre=paramiko.SSHClient() remote_conn_pre remote_conn_pre.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) remote_conn_pre.connect(ip_switch, username=username, password=pwd) remote_conn = remote_conn_pre.invoke_shell() time.sleep(1) trash = remote_conn.recv(5000) remote_conn.send(cmd) time.sleep(2) output = remote_conn.recv(5000) chain = output.split() print chain[9]