- On a windows laptop:
Interface 14: LAB
Internet Address Physical Address Type
-------------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------
fe80::2 00-14-1c-c9-d9-a8 Stale (Router)
fe80::214:1cff:fec9:d9a8 00-14-1c-c9-d9-a8 Stale (Router)
ff02::2 33-33-00-00-00-02 Permanent
ff02::5 33-33-00-00-00-05 Permanent
ff02::c 33-33-00-00-00-0c Permanent
ff02::16 33-33-00-00-00-16 Permanent
ff02::1:2 33-33-00-01-00-02 Permanent
ff02::1:3 33-33-00-01-00-03 Permanent
ff02::1:ff00:2 33-33-ff-00-00-02 Permanent
ff02::1:ff00:d 33-33-ff-00-00-0d Permanent
ff02::1:ff00:f 33-33-ff-00-00-0f Permanent
ff02::1:ff08:c77 33-33-ff-08-0c-77 Permanent
ff02::1:ffae:564d 33-33-ff-ae-56-4d Permanent
ff02::1:ffc9:d9a8 33-33-ff-c9-d9-a8 Permanent
- On a Linux laptop (has to be validated):
- On a Cisco router:
R2#show ipv6 neighbors
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
FE80::4491:69A9:39F3:7344 5 000c.2928.4c53 STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1:DD52:657C:D340:F2FF 19 000c.2980.fc6c STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1:B140:2298:3E92:A99B 6 000c.2928.4c53 STALE Fa0/0
FE80::1 4 0016.479a.f630 STALE Fa0/0
FE80::20C:29FF:FE80:FC6C 19 000c.2980.fc6c STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1::1 22 0016.479a.f630 STALE Fa0/0
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
FE80::4491:69A9:39F3:7344 5 000c.2928.4c53 STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1:DD52:657C:D340:F2FF 19 000c.2980.fc6c STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1:B140:2298:3E92:A99B 6 000c.2928.4c53 STALE Fa0/0
FE80::1 4 0016.479a.f630 STALE Fa0/0
FE80::20C:29FF:FE80:FC6C 19 000c.2980.fc6c STALE Fa0/0
2001:DB9:1:1::1 22 0016.479a.f630 STALE Fa0/0